The Basketball "Court"The Basketball team would be more than infuriated to have NOWHERE to go when they would want to practice their game.
This pic was taken when I went to play cricket in the ground of our college. Its basically all shit. Construction taking place, but thats no excuse!
This picture is just one of the many that I've got.
As you can see, there are two baskets, at a distance of about 26 m from each other. Perfect.
But then...Where is the court? LOL. Here are some more...
This has been the condition of this court, for about 2 months, maybe more. Hope it gets fixed SOON.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Ground Realities - Part 2
Monday, October 22, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Pearls Before Swine
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Awesome englees...continued.
Here's another example of what thees magical language is all about. Ees the best language there ees, and when one of us tries to manipulate it, this happens:
This one is probably written by a frustrated person who has done a Ph.D in englees.
The funny theeng about the poster was that there was NOT one, but 3 of the same posters, elaborating the indianness in it. :) Ees what makes us Indians, we are unique, and I love eet :D
Friday, October 5, 2007
Dragonball Z Live-Action Movie Announced!
Yes, folks, it's true!
James Wong, formerly of "The X-File"s and the man behind "Final Destination" and "The One," is writing and directing the live action version of Dragon Ball, which is going to go into production in Canada this November.
There's enough proof for you to believe me :P
Anyways, I'm really looking forward to it! Hope it releases phast!
As Quotes,
20th Century Fox has acquired the feature film rights to the hugely successful Japanese anime property "DragonBall" for studio division Fox 2000 to develop into a live-action franchise. Created by Japanese writer Akira Toriyama as a best-selling graphic novel, the property has been translated into a top-rated cartoon series, video games and straight-to-video releases, but the Fox deal marks the first time any company or studio has secured the live-action rights to the property.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Andy McKee
Andy McKee. If you haven't heard of him yet, then screw you, hippie! IF you're a guitarist or learning the instrument, and YET not heard of him, then seriously, get a life.
Andy McKee (born in Topeka, Kansas, in 1979) is an American acoustic guitarist who innovates the f**k out of his acoustic guitar. He plays so well! He makes it sound like more 5 people are playing together!
Here's an example of what I'm talking about: - The song "Drifting".
His official site:
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Lewis Hamilton - The Prodigy.
He may have made his debut in F1 in the best car possible, but he HAD to perform. That's what he did this year, Performed. Lewis Hamilton has come a long way after he was chosen as a "Second" driver to 2-time world champion Fernando Alonso. But he wasn't intimidated, he took the attack to the Ferrari's as well as his teammate.
Previous in-and-out drivers like Pedro De La Rosa didn't perform when he was given multiple chances in the year 2006, while Hamilton did quite the opposite, getting consecutive podiums in god knows how many races!
Hamilton showed that he's a class act, and that he deserves a McLaren Seat. Now, he no longer looks like the Second driver, he's on par with Alonso, maybe better! People will say that the team is favouring Hamilton to win the championship, even Hamilton said it himself, but the fact of the matter is that Alonso's attitude let him down in the team. The team members including Ron Dennis expected a good attitude from Alonso, but instead he backfired. He accused the team of not favouring him, even as the team tried their best to make the Double world champion comfortable in the McLaren camp.
Alonso crashed out of the last race (HAHAHA) unfortunately, because of Sebastian Vettel. Boo Hoo.
I was rooting really hard for Kimi to win the title this year. When I saw Hamilton drive, he looked damn aggressive and great at the wheel.
Anyways, I'm waiting for the unimaginable to happen next year. Narain getting into Ferrari and Karun Chandok getting into Renault, with Armaan Ebrahim in the BMW. Thinking large.
If not in the next year, at least in the next 5 years. ;)
Wallpapers Unlimited!
Here's a link to the most awesome collection of wallpapers in one thread!
There are about 60 pages of wallpapers in this thread!
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Monday, October 1, 2007
Ground Realities.
Ground Realities:
Well, here I am, waiting for an opportunity to curse something. :D
Yesterday was Sunday. It's supposed to be a holiday, but we had extra lectures. Anyways, the whole group went to the ground to play some cricket (I hadn't played cricket in years). So I was really excited to get going.
Now comes the best part. The ground was in NO condition to carry out ANY activity. The outer parts of the ground is under construction, from a looooooooong time!
Deciding to play on an empty piece of track on the outskirts of the ground, we made teams and started off. I was on the bowling side. So I went into the outfield, which was one of the parts of the ground.
First ball, the ball is in the air, I ran towards it, but unknown to me, the ground was so f***in mushy, I almost fell down, and not to mention I dropped the catch ;)
Then we realized the "nature" of the outfield. It looked awesome, with all the grass! But beneath the grass, it was so mushy, and it was like walking in keechad. Then I realized one thing, my brand new Adidas shoes (white colour) (:@:@:@) changed their colour to brown! Whatte miracle!
We somehow fielded through the innings, and lost the first match :|. It was a new form of cricket. An idea waaaaaaaay ahead of the T20 format. We were playing the S6 format. Get it? :P
Although we won the 2nd match, I was damn bored at the end of it all, and disgusted at the ground conditions. Here are some pictures to elaborate...:
After the match, I looked around the ground properly. The basketball "court" isn't actually a basketball court (It never was). Its just a piece of land with mud, with 2 baskets facing each other. Unplayable, the ball will shoot around for cryin out loud!@!
Then, theres the long jump pit. Generally, it's filled up with sand, and covered during the monsoons. Generally.
Here's what it looked like :
So there we go. Cursed all I wanted :D
I just hope it gets ready for the annual sports activities coming up in December/January. I think it will be up and running!
Post ur comments, if any!