You always tend to think, "Why is it so damn hot these days?". It's the Oct-Nov. period and you still feel that the summer ain't gonna leave you. By the way, it ain't the summer season, it should be winter! We all know the problem - It's Global Warming!
Yea right.
This is pretty big. The worst natural calamity (not entirely natural) that has already hit us hard, and yet, politicians are doing NOTHING about it. They keep debates, meetings (nowadays hearings) to show the people that they DO care. But, actually, NOTHING is being done to reduce gas emissions.
What is Global Warming?
Global Warming refers to the average temperature increase in the Earth's near surface air/oceans. It simply means more floods, more tornadoes, and ironically, more droughts.
Global Warming has different effects in different areas of the globe. It can cause hurricanes, floods, droughts, famines eventually. It's the disaster that's just waiting to happen.
Al Gore's Documentary/Movie "An Inconvenient Truth" inspired this article. It was an eye-opener to say the least.
A basic explanation of Global Warming here - Just a small video, do check it out to know more.
Is it happening?
Yes. Earth is already showing many signs of worldwide climate change.Average temperatures have risen by about 0.8 degrees celcius around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades. (with inputs from NASA)
The rate of warming is increasing. The 20th century's last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia, according to a number of climate studies.
Arctic ice is rapidly disappearing, and the region may have its first completely ice-free summer by 2040 or earlier. Polar bears and indigenous cultures are already suffering from the sea-ice loss.
Glaciers and mountain snows are rapidly melting—for example, Montana's Glacier National Park now has only 27 glaciers, versus 150 in 1910. In the Northern Hemisphere, thaws also come a week earlier in spring and freezes begin a week later.

This image is a post card, that was made looking at the giant mountain in 1970.

Where's all the f-----n ice gone ?
There are many more such examples that give an account of global warming on the rise.
And this is a self-explanatory image. Drastic Effects! Most of it is river water now.

Some place in Argentina :P, in 1928.

Now THAT, is the best example of the effects of Global Warming!
Is Global Warming caused by Humans ?
"Very likely", the IPCC said in a February 2007 report.
This report is based on the work done by around 2500 scientists in about 130 countries around the world. It concludes that the humans are responsible for most of the planetary global warming.
- Industrialization, deforestation, and pollution have greatly increased atmospheric concentrations of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, all greenhouse gases that help trap heat near Earth's surface.
- Humans are pouring carbon dioxide into the atmosphere much faster than plants and oceans can absorb it.
- These gases persist in the atmosphere for years, meaning that even if such emissions were eliminated today, it would not immediately stop global warming.
- Some experts point out that natural cycles in Earth's orbit can alter the planet's exposure to sunlight, which may explain the current trend. Earth has indeed experienced warming and cooling cycles roughly every hundred thousand years due to these orbital shifts, but such changes have occurred over the span of several centuries. Today's changes have taken place over the past hundred years or less.
- Other recent research has suggested that the effects of variations in the sun's output are "negligible" as a factor in warming, but other, more complicated solar mechanisms could possibly play a role.
What's gonna happen - The Effects of Global Warming.
A follow-up report by the IPCC released in April 2007 warned that global warming could lead to large-scale food and water shortages and have catastrophic effects on wildlife.
- Sea level could rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 to 59 centimeters) by century's end, the IPCC's February 2007 report projects. Rises of just 4 inches (10 centimeters) could flood many South Seas islands and swamp large parts of Southeast Asia.
- Some hundred million people live within 3 feet (1 meter) of mean sea level, and much of the world's population is concentrated in vulnerable coastal cities. In the U.S., Louisiana and Florida are especially at risk.
- Glaciers around the world could melt, causing sea levels to rise while creating water shortages in regions dependent on runoff for fresh water.
- The ocean's circulation system, known as the ocean conveyor belt, could be permanently altered, causing a mini-ice age in Western Europe and other rapid changes.
- Strong hurricanes, droughts, heat waves, wildfires, and other natural disasters may become commonplace in many parts of the world. The growth of deserts may also cause food shortages in many places.
- At some point in the future, warming could become uncontrollable by creating a so-called positive feedback effect. Rising temperatures could release additional greenhouse gases by unlocking methane in permafrost and undersea deposits, freeing carbon trapped in sea ice, and causing increased evaporation of water.
- More than a million species face extinction from disappearing habitat, changing ecosystems, and acidifying oceans.
What can I do ?
1. Put a brick in a plastic bag into your toilet cistern, then the toilet will use less water each time you flush. Don't worry that's plenty of water to get rid of...
2. Use paper on both sides.Try and buy products that don't use much packaging.
3. Give unwanted gifts and clothes to a charity shop.
4. Only fill the kettle up with the amount of water you need to boil that time.
5. Don't leave the TV or video on standby.
6. If you get lift to school in a car, take your mates along for the ride.
7. Ask whoever does your washing to use the machine at 40 degrees, this helps conserve power.
8. Switch lights off when you're not in the room.
9. Get a clockwork mobile phone recharger.
10. Cycle to places!
11. Persuade you mum or dad (or whoever does the gardening) to have a compost heap.
12. Have showers instead of baths.
13. There are ways you can help cut greenhouse gases and help stop global warming.
14. They are simple things, but can make a difference if everyone does them!
15. Re-cycle glass bottles, jars, newspapers and magazines and tin cans. Save them and take
them to local re-cycling centres.
Links for more understanding of Global Warming.
- National Geographic Global Warming Interactive
- Wikipedia
- ClimateHotMap
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Think you know-it-all?
Global Warming Quiz
Global warming is a complex issue that involves many different environmental factors. Think you know the ins and outs of global climate change? Take the quiz to know where you stand!
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