Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cowards talk the LOUDEST.

This isn't ANYTHING personal on ANYONE. THESE ARE MY PERSONAL VIEWS. Sorry if I've hurt you. Sach kadwa hota hai :( :|

So where IS MaNaSa? Where are his relatives in the Shiv Sena? When Mumbai is in time of need for their support?

A day has passed, and everyone has spoken internationally...
Britain, Russia, the US of A..Everyone.

The havoc is in Mumbai. It is affecting mumbaikars. 
In recent times, there has been a party who has told every Marathi manus that they are with them, and that they will support them and help them come what may.
They wrecked Mumbai when they started a riot when their Minister was supposed to go for a simple court trial. 
The closed every fkin street in Mumbai. They blocked traffic. The burnt cars, buses and broke down public property.

All this, they say, they did for the Marathi Manus and their well-being. Well they even broke down a Marathi manus' car, and many others. I guess there was a bomb or something in that car.
Anyway, my POINT here is, whether Raj cares about them AT ALL. He's there for VOTES and nothing else. Why don't people understand that?

NOT a SINGLE statement has come out of his mouth since the attack on Mumbai has happened. He hasn't made a public appearence. His angry, protesting "supporters" are nowhere to be seen. 

NO Indian politician has taken advantage of this situation because they know that it is graver than anything they have seen before. 

What I want is, the Raj supporters..who wrecked Mumbai for a small reason, who kill people when they're told, who run like maniacs in the streets of Mumbai like they own the goddamn place, to go to Taj and the Oberoi and infiltrate the place, just like they stopped Mumbai. Just like they killed the innocent people.

I can't describe what's goin on in my mind right now. It's all havoc. Innocent people dying unnecessarily. Go out, make a fkin difference :|


Anonymous said...

:| for the current sate of affairs ...

A strong write ! thanks for sharing .. May ppl get sm sense even now !

Preetam said...

Well Written and a very valid point. MNS member might be hiding now, They just know how to be tigers when it comes to people from UP n Bihar and now they are proving that they are Cats. Frankly speaking when i heard the news about Mumbai, i thought it might have been again cause of MNS but it was thurs morning i realized that it was terorist attack.

Tarun said...

I remember the days when shiva sena followers were beating up Madrasis in Mumbai ya wr did they go nw i mean so called shiva sena Rulers ??Single statement has come so far from them